The portrait of Frank Auerbach seemed to have generated quite a lot of interest and positive comments, and with them came (it was back in November 2014) the first request for a commissioned portrait. This is how this piece, which on a suggestion from a friend of mine (another artist) I eventually called Checkmate, was born.
I was supplied with a reference photograph and after discussing a few details (size, medium, support, etc...) with my brother, I went ahead and started painting the portrait.
Painting the two medieval beasts had been lots of fun and I intended to paint more animals from the illuminated manuscripts, but I also wanted to try something different.
In October 2014 I was looking for something interesting to paint, when I ran into this photograph of the famous painter Frank Auerbach. A very interesting subject to paint indeed, and after some deliberation and a little tweaking I dived in.
Hello there and welcome to my first blog!
I'll try to update this section regularly with all the news related to my art. As I have already a good portfolio of paintings available for sale, I might as well start by introducing them a little bit at a time, starting from the older ones.
In September 2014 I decided it was time to turn back to my passion, which I had neglected for too many years, as I drifted along the currents of too many jobs.